Info regarding Com Med

From  Mansoura Doctors 2014's graduates page

Q of epidemiology
Ans : def , public health significance , causitive agent , reservoir , exit , communication period , mode of transmision , portal of entry , IP , susceptibility .

Q of prevention
general prev - specific prevention ( immunization , seroprophlaxis , chemoprophlaxis )

Q of control
( case , contacts , epidemic , international measures )

important in general
(immunity , chain of infection )

round topics with us
(water , MHC , PHC , diarreal diseases , meningitis , TB , communication & health behaviour , population pyramid , rates & ratio , obesity , caloric requirment )

survies are important .. schistosoma , malaria , TB

in nutrition ditatics not with us

family planning only not with us , while family practice ( important) with us

feeding of infant with us

mental health with us
الدكتور مقلهاش صريحه انها مش معانا , فنقرأها وخلاص

people with special needs not with us

reproductive health include maternal health care , child health care

all things with us in oral , mcq

exam time : each paper 1 hour and half

From an unknown source:

1.specific prevention(cholera,yellow fever,plague)
2.control of contact of meningitis
3.epidemic measure for typhoid
4.survey (TB,malaria,schistosome)

Thank you, Aisa & Ridh!