Practical Forensic

10 stations: 10 X 2m = 20m (1.5 minutes per station)
5 different jars
2 bones
1 xray
1 thin layer chromatography
1 applied toxicology (antidotes)

jars include:
- wound
- fetus
- ossific center
- fracture skull
- brain/head injury
- firearm injury
- catridge and missiles
- seed, roots and capsule

1.seed, roots and capsule
- you must write everything you know
- except MLI only if asked

2.catridge and missiles
-type: empty or not fired catridge of
-fired or not: present of needle mark and rifling mark (fired) absent (not fired)
-caliber: only in the sporting gun (see the number under the case)
-content of living one "only if asked"

wad: type, description, function, MLI "only if asked"
shots: type, description, MLI "only if asked"
powder: type, description, composition
bullet: type, description, fired or not

3.firearm injury
-identify the injury
-one of these Q
mention causative instrument
mention time passed after injury
mention possible causes of death
mention distance of firing
mention direction of firing

-identify the age + description/evidence why?

-cause of death
-time of death

6.ossific center

7.fracture skull
-one of these Q
mention causative instrument
mention time passed after injury
mention possible causes of death
-shape,length,site,relation to the sutures,other features

8.brain/head injury
-one of these Q
mention causative instrument
mention time passed after injury
mention possible causes of death
-shape,length,site,other features

-one of these Q
mention causative instrument
mention time passed after injury
mention possible causes of death

10.bone (identification)
-race (skull)

-plain x-ray
-region: ankle/knee/shoulder/elbow/wrist/hand
-view:anteroposterior/lateral/posteroanterior (hand, wrist, chest only)
-showing: union + non union epiphyses + diagnosis of age

12.applied toxicology 
antidote-action + dose
nasogastric tube/ryle's tube
endotracheal tube
oropharyngeal tube
activated charcoal
