practical pharmacology


Antara contoh-contoh soalan pharma sebelum ini (8 mei 2011 group 4)

give 2 examples for each question (8questions 8marks)
1.passive mydriatics
2.drugs stimulates intestinal motility through stim muscarinic receptors
3.TTT of eye allergy
4.mydriatics drug which present light reflex
5.inhibit intestinal motility due to stimulation of alpha receptor
6) ...
7) ...
8) ...

give reasons ( 6 question 6marks)
1.cannot give oxygen >40% to premature infants
2.give mannitol to treat glaucoma
3.D-tubocurarine cause decrease contraction effect of Ach on abdominus rectus
4.pilocarpine produce no hypertension if give after atropinized
5) ...

give def & examples (6marks)
1.chelatings agents

-best of luck sahabat-sahabat
-credit to ahmad azizi jusoh
n/b: yang soalan (...) 2 azizi xigt soalan

One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    jawapan no 1; cannot give high conc. of oxygen to premature infant because the infant may get retrolental fibroplasia. so the concentration must not exceed 40%