Archive for May 2012

Info regarding Com Med

From  Mansoura Doctors 2014's graduates page

Q of epidemiology
Ans : def , public health significance , causitive agent , reservoir , exit , communication period , mode of transmision , portal of entry , IP , susceptibility .

Q of prevention
general prev - specific prevention ( immunization , seroprophlaxis , chemoprophlaxis )

Q of control
( case , contacts , epidemic , international measures )

important in general
(immunity , chain of infection )

round topics with us
(water , MHC , PHC , diarreal diseases , meningitis , TB , communication & health behaviour , population pyramid , rates & ratio , obesity , caloric requirment )

survies are important .. schistosoma , malaria , TB

in nutrition ditatics not with us

family planning only not with us , while family practice ( important) with us

feeding of infant with us

mental health with us
الدكتور مقلهاش صريحه انها مش معانا , فنقرأها وخلاص

people with special needs not with us

reproductive health include maternal health care , child health care

all things with us in oral , mcq

exam time : each paper 1 hour and half

From an unknown source:

1.specific prevention(cholera,yellow fever,plague)
2.control of contact of meningitis
3.epidemic measure for typhoid
4.survey (TB,malaria,schistosome)

Thank you, Aisa & Ridh!

MCQ book for Ophthal

From Izzati Abdullah

berkenaan perkara di atas, buku mcq tersebut boleh la dibeli di maktabah kecik depan kuliah tibb (yg byk jual buku2 international) dengan harga LE 10.
exam mcq akan dibuat selepas exam written.tertakluk kpd sebarang perubahan:)

It's tomorrow!

From Sakinah;

Hasil kontek saya dgn Dr Hamdiah, saya tidak mendapat apa2 hint utk exam esok, sbb kata Dr :
- Dr Samir sbnrnya telah diminta utk mengurangkan silibus HR, & sekaligus telah mengurangkan waku kelas HR shg 6 jam sahaja utk tahun ini.
- Dr Ahmed Samir sgt sibuk.
- Dr Hamdiah tidak memberikan saya no tel. Dr Ahmed kerana begitu yakin Dr Ahmed xkan beritahu apa2 ttg soalan exam esok, & tidak akan melayan sebarang panggilan telefon dari org yg xdikenali (seperti saya ;)), lebih2 lg apabila exam akan diadakan pd esok hari.

Minta maaf. Bittaufik Wannajah utk HR, semua! =) 

important topics:
-basic HR principles
-derogation in state of emergency
-core elements of rite to fair trial
-freedom of opinion n expression(content)
- crime of torture
- natural judge.


From Saiful;


The examination will be at 12 pm on 29th May 2012, tomorrow.

Please come early so you can locate the place.

Important topics for Com Med

Exam scheme 2012:

Paper 1: 75 marks.

1. General epidemiology and Special epidemiology (40 m).
 2. Medical Biostatistics (16 m).
3. Nutrition (12 m).
4. Communication and Health Behaviour (7-8 m).

Paper 2: 75 marks.

1. Primary Health Care Service (PHC), MCH and Reproductive, Health Care Management, Family Practice, Rural Health, Geriatric Health, School Health, Adolescent health (45m)
2. Environmental and Occupational Health (20 m).
3. Non communicable disease (10 marks)

Question Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases: (40 m).

5 questions :
1st from general epidemiology of communicable diseases (6-7 m).
- chain of infection.
- immunity.
- sero and chemoprophylaxis.
- emerging and re-emerging diseases.
- excluded
:: disinfection and sterilization.
:: surveillance.
:: hospital infection.
:: diseases and elimination.

the rest of questions (4 Q) from selected communicable diseases:

- large diseases
write their epidemiology (def, public importance, causative org, reservoir, portal entry and exit, IP, susceptibility)
-  Hepatitis B & C excluded.
-  Prevention & Control of selected diseases: toxoplasma, malaria schistosoma, plague, STI, tetanus, yellow fever, anthrax.
- TB and Schistosoma Survey (VVIQ).

Non- Communcable Diseases:
- Prevention & Control of diseases.
- Risk factor (*cancer, smoking).

Medical Biostatistics:
- Demography (8m).
- Vital Statistics (8m) : give an account in causes, prevention.

Communication and Health Education (VVIQ).
Nutrition: 2 questions, 12 marks. malnutrition, definition, problem.d health education (VVIQ).
Human Health Behaviour, excluded.
Health Care Management: Planning, Implementation, Evaluation (VVIQ).
Primary Health Care (VVIQ).
Health System and Health Service in Egypt : Basic Benefit Package (VVIQ).
School Children Health. component of maternal, child and adolescent.
Elderly Health (VVIQ).
Environmental Health: Waste, Housing and Food (VVIQ). 8 m
Occupational Health: (12 m) 2 questions.
: Physical Agent (VVIQ).

Excluded Topics:

- Special needs.
- Mental Health.
- Family Planning.
- Human Health Behavior.
- Viral Hepatitis B & C.
- Quality Management.

* no equation in medical biostatistics.

For Oral (30 marks, 1 professor, by using question cards)

:: Food Borne Diseases (Cholera & Typhoid VVIQ).
:: All  Prevention & Control.
:: Contact Diseases.
:: Biostatistics : infant & maternal, morbidity.
:: Nutrition : Vitamins, Vitamin D deficiency.
:: Environmental & Occupational Health.
:: Gen Epidemiology; definition (important for oral).
*listed topics untuk oral ni yang paling banyak ditanya, make sure baca yang lain jugak ye.For MCQ (60 marks)- strictly MCQ- 50 questions from Department's MCQ book
- 5 MCQ based on problem solving of a case (not coming from Department's book)- 5 MCQ (not coming from Department's book)

credit to: farhah nabilah.

p/s: InsyaAllah ni hasil gabungan info dari farhah dan rakan-rakan lain, kalau ade pertambahan lagi, dipersilakan tambah di ruang 'comment' di bawah tu.

All the best!. Al- Mukminun: 1-2.
"Man jadda wa jada wa man zara' a hasoda."
"Sesiapa yang berusaha akan berhasil, sesiapa yang menanam akan menuai".  :)

New arrangement for the meeting with the HOD

Assalamualaikum. we are sorry to inform you that the meeting with the HOD of Com Med that's supposed to take place today has been postponed to this Saturday, May 26th. spread the news k? thank you :)

Meeting with the H.O.D of Com Med


A meeting with the Head of Dept of Community Medicine will be held this Thursday at 10 am, at our usual lecture hall in Block D, inshallah. This meeting is requested by Dr. Niazy himself so we highly hope that the turnout will not be disappointing.

More updates regarding Human Rights

From Sakinah

Salam alaikum.


Alhamdulillah kelas Human Right sudah pun berakhir. Terima kasih atas kerjasama semua.
Insya-Allah format exam HR:
- 3 soalan esei/bertulis. Hanya pilih 2 soalan dari 3 soalan yg diberikan.
- Tiada soalan MCQ & True/False.
- Soalan akan keluar dari slides doktor sahaja, jadi fokus pada slides doktor sahaja,
untuk dapat fullmark =) insya-Allah~

Pesan doktor Ahmed Samir Hassanein:
- ini adalah soalan yg paling mudah supaya kamu semua boleh skor
- Kamu tak perlu hafal,hanya perlu faham. Jadi,boleh buat ayat sendiri ketika
menjawab soalan nanti.

All the Best, semua! =)

Majlis Solat Hajat & Bacaan Yaasin

From Saiful Aqmal


Majlis Solat Hajat dan Bacaan Yaasin MedClick 2011/2012

Saya mewakili AJK Kelas pada tahun ini menjemput seluruh ahli MedClick untuk hadir bagi solat hajat dan bacaan Yaasin, dan memohon doa kepada ALLAH agar dipermudahkan untuk menjawab peperiksaan akhir nanti.

Tarikh : 20 Mei 2012
Hari : Ahad
Masa : 6.30 petang
Tempat : Qaah Ibnu Sina


6.30 petang : Kehadiran
6.45 petang :
- Azan Maghrib oleh __________
- Solat Maghrib diimami oleh ____________
- Solat sunat Hajat diimami oleh _____________
- Bacaan Yaasin dan tahlil dipimpin oleh _____________
- Tazkirah oleh ______________

8.17 malam :
- Azan Isha oleh _________
- Solat Isha diimami oleh __________
- Jamuan ringan

Saya menjemput semua untuk hadir sebelum azan Maghrib, kerana solat akan terus didirikan selepas itu (tiada sunat muakkad untuk Qabliah Maghrib) dan majlis akan diteruskan sejurus selepas itu.

Jamuan ringan adalah berbentuk pot-luck. Hadirin dipersilakan untuk membawa juadah untuk 'dihadiahkan' kepada sahabat-sahabat yang lain. Minuman akan disediakan oleh AJK Kelas

Saya mempelawa ikhwah yang lunak suaranya, baik bacaan al-Fatihahnya (sudah mengcukupi) untuk menjadi muazzin dan imam. Saya percaya umur sekurang-kurang 22 tahun daripada kalangan kita sudah baligh keseluruhannya, jadi mana mungkin bacaan al-Fatihah masih terkial-kial. Sila cadangkan nama.

Ikhwah mari kita bincangkan juadah apa yang hendak dibawa.

Sekian, harap maklum

Latest updates for Human Rights

The last lecture for Human Rights will be held tomorrow, Saturday May 19. 2.30 pm at the Handousah Hall. We will finish all the topics that are left and there will be a discussion regarding Palestine's issue and also a briefing about the written exam for this subject.

The attendance is not compulsory but we strongly encourage all students to attend this lecture.

Also attached is the last year's questions for guidance and reference.

Important Qs ENT & Com Med

Credit: Syahidah Pishal


from Dr. Arafa


Thanks to Esteqqama, we now have the snippet from the briefing for the Ophthalmology exam earlier this week. Due to time constraint, I apologize for not being able to translate or re-write this post properly.

written: 2jam setengah,85markah,10 soalan

mcq: 40 soalan(1markah 1soalan,buku akan dikluarkan xlama lagi,semua kluar dr buku tersebut-diadakn lps exam written dlm masa setengah jam..)

multistation:20 gmbr(akan dibuat pd masa oral-gmbr mcm dlm buku teks,a.k.a cam kt exam end round,including ttt)

*anatomy,clinical test= excluded from written
*operation/laser=written only,just describe shortly,not too detail

doc akan wat 5kls utk:
4)med. opthal
5)DD(acute red painful eye,byk kali doc ulang2 )
6)clinical test(just name)

doc terang skit pasal written:
**stp soalan perlu tulis definition dahulu..

**utk direct qs
cth: kalo soalan tny pasal complication of ectropion.
jwpn:hny pasal complication,exclude C/P ,ttt dan lain2 point

**utk indirect qs
cth: kalo soalan tny pasal C/P
jwpn: include sign n symptom

p/s:doc ckp dalam bhs arab.jd ini shj yg dpt sy dpt.may be blh deal ngan doc balik camne..

Marking scheme for Com Med written exam

Jadual exam practical Forensic

Identification of skull

Practical Forensic

10 stations: 10 X 2m = 20m (1.5 minutes per station)
5 different jars
2 bones
1 xray
1 thin layer chromatography
1 applied toxicology (antidotes)

jars include:
- wound
- fetus
- ossific center
- fracture skull
- brain/head injury
- firearm injury
- catridge and missiles
- seed, roots and capsule

1.seed, roots and capsule
- you must write everything you know
- except MLI only if asked

2.catridge and missiles
-type: empty or not fired catridge of
-fired or not: present of needle mark and rifling mark (fired) absent (not fired)
-caliber: only in the sporting gun (see the number under the case)
-content of living one "only if asked"

wad: type, description, function, MLI "only if asked"
shots: type, description, MLI "only if asked"
powder: type, description, composition
bullet: type, description, fired or not

3.firearm injury
-identify the injury
-one of these Q
mention causative instrument
mention time passed after injury
mention possible causes of death
mention distance of firing
mention direction of firing

-identify the age + description/evidence why?

-cause of death
-time of death

6.ossific center

7.fracture skull
-one of these Q
mention causative instrument
mention time passed after injury
mention possible causes of death
-shape,length,site,relation to the sutures,other features

8.brain/head injury
-one of these Q
mention causative instrument
mention time passed after injury
mention possible causes of death
-shape,length,site,other features

-one of these Q
mention causative instrument
mention time passed after injury
mention possible causes of death

10.bone (identification)
-race (skull)

-plain x-ray
-region: ankle/knee/shoulder/elbow/wrist/hand
-view:anteroposterior/lateral/posteroanterior (hand, wrist, chest only)
-showing: union + non union epiphyses + diagnosis of age

12.applied toxicology 
antidote-action + dose
nasogastric tube/ryle's tube
endotracheal tube
oropharyngeal tube
activated charcoal


Com Med end round exam

From Fatini Zubir


Salam.Hasil perjumpaan bersama Prof.Dr.Abdel Hady El-Gilany 2/5/2012:

1- Soalan terdiri daripada 40 soalan OBJEKTIF yg bersamaan dengan 40 markah.
2- Terdapat 30 soalan MCQs dan 10 soalan true or false
3- Soalan bergambar terdiri daripada 4-6 soalan merangkumi bar chart,population pyramid etc juga occupational tools for multistation Q.
4-Juga terdapat soalan kira-kira pd esok hari.Justeru,anda dinasihatkan utk membawa bersama kalkulator pd esok hari.
5-Untuk tahu lebih lanjut bentuk soalan pd esok hari,anda boleh rujuk kepada set past end round exam.
6-Dr Abdel Hady tidak dpt menekankan mana-mana important Q mahupun gambar atas alasan beliau bukanlah penggubal soalan bg round ini.
7-Peperiksaan pada esok hari akn berlansung pd pukul 10 pg di exam hall, tingkat 4 bangunan tibb.

**Sila lengkapkan logbook anda dan hantar ke department of community medicine selewat-lewatnya 2 hari selepas exam.Bagi mana-mana pelajar yg gagal berbuat demikian 6 markah akn ditolak.
**Juga peringatan bg pelajar yg disenaraikan tidak hadir selama 12 hari atau lebih, anda dikehendaki menghantar surat cuti sakit kpd Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine.Bg mana-mana pelajar yg gagal berbuat demikian,markah logbook anda akan ditolak. (6 markah)
**Buku MCQ boleh didapati pd esok hari di department .

Maaf jika terdapat sebarang kesalahan atau kecelaruan ddlam penyampaian maklumat.Sekian dan salam maju jaya :)