Biochemistry's bla bla bla...

past years Q's
Phosphoglycerate is a precursor of the following: (6/03, 6/05)

  • glucose
  • lecithin
  • serine
correlation between urea cycle & citric acid cycle (6/03, 6/06, 6/09)

enzymes involve in lipid transportation (6/03, 6/05)

fatty liver (6/03, 6/06)

inhibitors of oxidative phosphorylations (6/06, 6/07)
  • hartnup disease 6/03
  • alkaptonuria 6/03, 6/08, 6/06
  • maple syrup disease 6/07, 6/08
  • oxalouria
biosynthesis of:
  • glutathione 6/03, 6/05
  • melanin 6/03
  • cysteine choline 6/03
  • phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) from aspartate 6/06
  • creatine 6/06, 6/05
  • choline 6/02, 6/06
  • melatonin 6/05
Important items
CHO metabolism
substrate level phosphorylation by:
  • pyruvate kinase
  • phosphoglycerate kinase
  • succinate thiokinase
example of oxidative decarboxylation:
  • pyruvate > acetyl CoA
  • a-ketoglutarate > succinyl CoA
  • a-ketobutyrate > propionyl CoA
about gluconeogenesis (Cori cycle, glucose-alanine cycle):
  • why pyruvic acid move into mitochondria? -enzyme to catalyze this only present in cytosol
  • why OAA inside inside mitochondria must be converted to citrate, aspartate & malate? -OAA is impermeable to mitochondrial membrane
  • 3 reaction which differ from glycolysis? -(the irriversible part)
  1. pyruvate > PEP
  2. Fructose 1,6 diphosphate > fructose 6 phosphate (via F-1,6-biphosphate)
  3. Glucose 6 phosphate > glucose (via G-6-phosphatase)
oxidative decarboxylation - bhg bawah muka surat 55 tak penting (pesan wakil biochem)

about kreb's cycle - no Qs on step of kreb's cycle, only:
  • CO2 fixation
  • regulation
  • role of vitamins in Kreb's
HMP shunt:
  • main source of NADPH+H
  • key enzyme: G-6-P dehydrogenase & lactonase
  • importance of NADPH+H in RBC - FA & cholesterol synthesis, glutathione reduction
fate of OAA in cell:
  • pyruvate
  • PEP
  • Aspartate
  • Citric acid
  • glucose
  • lactic acid
fate of pyruvate
  • alanine
  • OAA
  • lactate
  • enter Krebs cycle
  • lipogenesis