Date of update: 28.06.2010
Outcomes of discussion with HOD Prof. Dr. Azmi;
1) Format of exam will be exactly like 2010 exam, paper1 for General Pathology : (but with a lil bit of changes here and there)
- Cases (3-4)
- Definition (only 5)
- Enumerate (5)
- M/E (5)
- Give an account (5)
- Write scientific name (10)
- Tables of comparison (3-4)
The total marks will be 75 for paper1 on 30th June 2010 (Thursday)
2) Definition : will be taken from the text book.
p/s: please be sure that you study for this part by heart k.
3) Enumerate : Usually the question will ask you tu give 4points but it doesnt need to be elaborated.
4) M/E : insyaAllah, HOD promised that the will be no specific part asking for N/E (naked eye), only MICROSCOPIC PICTURE.
But, please take note that N/E might be asked in 'cases' or 'give account' question.
For example, pathological changes of gumma which equals to N/E & M/E.
So, we suggest that, if you are really2 having limited time to study everything, put N/E aside or study the most important topic only for N/E.
Just catch up with the other much more promising important parts such as compare and definiton.
5) Give an account : In case if the question ask for 'pathogenesis of.....', the possible question will only be for pathogenesis that explains certain disease not pathogenesis that explaining mechanisms or steps.
Eg: pathogenesis of wet gangrene, pathogenesis of brown induration, etc.
For mechanism and steps, you just need to know the headline and short elaboration as it might be asked in cases part.
6) Write scientific name : Look for the keyword of every part/topic/chapter/disease/les
7) Tables of comparison : PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, master this part very very well. Its a bonus part for us. You dont need to memorise the whole thing in the table. Choose only 5 points for you to write in the paper.
You just have to give a SHORT ANSWER without any elaboration in each row while comparing the items.
Eg: Compare Bilharziasis Ulcer and Gummatous Ulcer
If you choose to write N/E, your answer should only be as follows:
Row 1: edge: sharp superficial/deep deep
Row 2: margin : cyanotic nodules .....................serpigeno
Row 3: floor : granular ..............................
Row 4: base : indurated/fibrosed............
You can choose to write these items:
Row 1: site
Row 2: M/E
Row 3: one etiology
Row 4: fate
p/s: But i guess, the first example is much more easier, kan? So take the most easiest item for you to memorize. Its a BONUS BONUS BONUS mark for us to grab.
8) Prof. Dr. Azmi did remind us to try the past year questions as well, in order to get the real idea and to be familiar with the pattern of the questions
we'll have some luck IF some of the questions happens to be taken from previous years question.
9) For NEOPLASIA : The officially deleted part as i've mentioned before, is from page206-210 (Pathogenesis of tumor) and page215 (Paraneoplastic Syndrome).
BUT Prof Dr. Azmi personally told us that you can ignore topics from page203 till end EXCEPT for:
- Neoplastic Syndrome
- Tumor Markers
10) For the other real clues of exams, lets just hope that we'll have more luck today or the day after tomorrow.
So, ALL THE BEST TO YOU GUYS! Lets strive for the best and altogether pray for the success of each of our friends.
MIN Edisi Khas : Tazkiyatun Nafs [18/2/16]
8 years ago
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