- General Pharmacology until GIT Chapter. (Blood has been EXCLUDEd)
- 30 marks
- The amount of questions will either be 60Q for 1Hour @ 30Q for 30min
N.B : The Pharma's MCQ Books are now available at the International Students Office. Please bring along your kernih to claim your book during office hour (9am-1pm) starting from tomorrow (12.01.2011).
- Inflammation until CVS Chapter. (Respiratory System has been EXCLUDED)
- 30marks
- 60 MCQs for 1 hour
- the subdivision of MCQ Questions are as follows:
35 MCQs
15 Cross-matching
10 Cases
N.B : Sample questions for Patho are available at Maktabah Salam, while the compilation of MCQ Questions in a book available at Maktabah Valentino.
- From beginning until Leishmania.
- 15 Structured questions (each has 2 subquestions).
- 15 marks.
N.B : Eventhough the sample questions for Parasit are unavailable, try to answer the MCQ Questions from the Department book for better understanding and be well prepared of the structural type questions.
Just hope that there will be some handouts of sample questions available at any Maktabah very soon. MC will inform you later for any updates.
- Volume 1: including ALL topics.
- Volume 2: Systemic Bacteriology (until Genus Vibrio pg 74)
- MCQ book of department (for your reference regarding the type of questions):
*Bacteriology: MCQ: Question no. 1-173 (page 1-32)
True or False: Question no. 1-146 (page 40-46)
Complete the statement: Question no. 1-114 (page 48-56)
*Microbial Genetics: ALL except short assay/note (page 63-90)
*Medical Microbiology: ALL except short assay/note (page 94-140)
- Types of questions ;
* 100% will be from MCQ book.
* Questions will be exactly the same as the MCQ book EXCEPT short assay/note.
* Most of the questions will be in the form of MCQ and True or False.
- Duration and number of questions has not been informed yet by the Head of Department. But as stated in the Logbook, the total marks will be 20marks.
N.B You can get the MCQ book for Microbiology either here:
- Handouts : Maktabah Valentino (8L.E)
- University Book : Maktabah 'Attaq (37LE)
Click here for the MCQ answers of Genetics chapter.
By the way,the content of the books are almost the same. Just choose which one do you prefer to have.
" I hope, all the students will get full marks for the coming Mid-Term Exam. Study hard. Please don't miss any points in the MCQ book as the questions will be 100% from the MCQ book."
-Prof. Fikry El-Morsy, Professor & Head of Medical Microbiology&Immunology Department-
These are the latest information that we got until 11/01/2011.
Any additional points/details that you get later than this date, please contact leader/vice/secretaries ASAP so that we can make the changes.
Any comments are also most welcomed to improve the quality of MC's blog. TQ.
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