Pathology's important topics

Chapter1: Inflammation.
Class A.
1.     Abscess.

2.     Granuloma.
3.     Differences between acute and chronic inflammation.
Class B.
1.     Exudate
2.     Types of non-suppurative especially 3 types:
3.     Chemotaxis and phagocytosis.
Class C.
1.     Enumerate 5 chemical mediators and function of each.

VD , increase permeability
Interleukin 1 & TNF
Attachment and phagocytosis
Complement C5A

Chapter 2: Repair.

Class A.
1.     Complication of repair & complication of healing
2.     Repair of bone fracture.
3.     Repair of nervous system-peripheral nerve regenerate
Class B.
1.     Granulation tissue (N/E, M/E, fate)
2.     Primary and secondary union wound.
Class C.
Define and example:
1.     Organization
2.     Resolution.

Chapter 3: Cell Injury.

Class A.
1.     Calcification:
1.      Dead generative-distrophic
2.      In normal-metastatic
3.      Lumen-stone formation
2.     Necrosis & Apoptosis.
·         Its comparison
·         Types necrosis
·         Coagulative, liquifective, fat necrosis
·         Fibrinoid
·         Ceasition TB
·         Pathological picture (N/E, M/E)
·         Coagulative necrosis occur in all organ except in CNS(brain & spinal cord-liquifective)
3.     Amyloidosis
·         Stains:
1.      Metachromatic stain-rose red
2.      Iodine –brown
3.      Iodine + Sulphuric- blue
4.      Hx&E –pink pale
5.      Congo red-orange red / brown
·         In 3 organs:
1.      Liver ( firm, rubbery, waxy)
2.      Kidney
3.      Spleen

Class B.

1.     Cellular hyalinosis > russel bodies-> damage of plasma
Answer: 6P + zeancher + H
1.      Platlet & thrombosis
2.      Pancreas-islet of lengerhans
3.      Pituitary gland
4.      Plasma
5.      PCT of kidney
6.      Prostate-corpora
H-Hepatocyte-caused by : Alcohol- ?
                                                     Yellow viral virus-?
2.     Fatty changes
·         Steatosis
·         Fat distribution mayb in heart
·         Tigroid heart = tiger = yellow + brown stripes . due to fat generation
3.     Bronzed diabetes

4.     Brown atrophy of heart
1.      Malignant
2.      Lipochrome
·         Lipofucin pigment-atrophy
·         Pigmen of aging heart
·         Pigment increase- brown atrophy of heart
3.      Hemoglobin derived pigment
·         Bilirubin
·         Hemosiderin-primary( bronzed) & secondary
·         Hematin
            Hemosiderin deposit in:
Cirrhosis & hematoma
Bronzed Diabetes Mellitus
Heart failure

Chapter 4: Circulatory Disturbances.

  • Def
  • Types
  • Growth Morphologic (N/E, M/E, fate)
2.Gangrene (necrosis/infarction + putrefaction)
1.     Dry
2.     Moist
3.     Senile

  •    Differences Exudates & transudate
  •    Anasarca= generalize edema all over body and serous sac
1.     Fate
2.     Thromus & blood clot
·         Site thrombus-vein-because superficial and slow
3.     Venous thrombosis
1.      Phelibitis( Vein inflammation)
2.      Phlebo thrombosis ( thrombosis in Vein with no inflammation)
3.      Thrombo phlebitis
·         Differences Phlebo thrombosis & thrombo phlebitis
4.     Hyperemia & congestion (in liver & lung)
·         Liver cirrhosis= fibrous & nodular
·         Congestion liver
1.      Early- nut meg liver-yelllow,red area
2.      Late-heart cirrhosis-caused by heart failure
·         Congestive liver is brown,caused by capillary rupture,hemosiderine duration, fibrosed of lung
·         Fate of hemosiderin
·         Become heart failure cell & phagocytic by macrophage.
5.Heamorrhage( hge) = escape blood outside heart during life
1.     External hge
·         Heamaturia-blood in urine
·         Heamoptesis-blood in cough ( respiration)
·         Heamatemsis-vomit of blood ( upper GIT)
·         Internal hge
·         Heamothorax
·         Heamoperitoneum
·         Heamopericarditis
·         Heamoartherosis-joints
·         Heamorrhage in tunica vaginalis-testis cover
2.     Interstitial hge
1.      Small-purpura
2.      Medium-ischemosis
3.      Large-heamatoma

2 Responses so far.

  1. dr. siti says:

    ajinnye ajk baso....

  2. Anonymous says:

    important topics ni doc dep patho ke yg bg?